Meaning Of 888 In The Bible

Posted : admin On 3/28/2022

Biblical Meaning of 888 In the Bible, various numbers mean different things. 888 spiritually in the Bible signifies the infinite nature of the Holy Trinity, that is, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. It also means Jesus Christ the Saviour. The Greek alphabet portrays every letter as having a representative number. Biblical number 888 General meaning As the person who is touched by 888, or 8, if we look at the Biblical meaning that is behind this number, we come to the answer that you are a person who is religious, but with a broad mind so that you are not too orthodox, but from time to time you can be a bit extreme.

  1. Hebrew Meaning Of 23
  2. What Is The Meaning Of 888 In The Bible

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1260 days, 1290 days, 1335 days

Interesting facts about Remembrance Day '11/11/11',
commemorated at the 11th hour!

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(Meaning of
111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999)

From a biblical perspective, the number 111 is a multiple of 666, 777, 888. These triple figures (a triad with three of the same numbers) is simply a way of emphasizing their root meanings. Thus, 111 draws attention to the number one, and so forth.
We begin with the three numbers that are definitely used in the Bible.

666is the number of man because man was created on the 6th day of creation, and it signifies 'fallen man' since man comes short of God's perfection, which number is 777. (See 'the mark of the beast', Rev. 13:18.) (For more see
Six times 111 = 666.

777signifies perfection because seven is the number of perfection. (Note the age of Lamech in the Bible when he died; also, he died 777 years before Israel entered Egypt in 1876 BC.) (Click here for lengthy discussion on 777 and Lamech.)
Seven times 111 = 777.

888is the number of a 'new creation', (i.e., 'a new man'). Jesus' name adds up to 888 in Gematria in contrast to fallen man's number of 666 (Rev. 13). Moreover, Jesus received His name when He was eight days old on the day that He was circumcised! (Luke 2:21.) (Notice the 'names on the foreheads' in Rev. 13:18 in contrast with the next verse, that is, Rev. 14:1.)
Eight times 111 = 888.

Numbers of less certain meaning are the following:

111as an independent number, refers to the Oneness of the Triune God. (See introduction for its use in multiples with other numbers.)

Note: Remembrance Day, Nov. 11/11, is '11/11/11' at the 11th hour, but which on the 360-calendar of bible prophecy overlaps a day that is associated with 1260 days from Pentecost.

11/11/11 is also 11 x 6 years from 1945 when WWII ended. {Remembrance Day has long been expanded in some countries to include veterans of all wars, especially here in the US and Canada. WWII is what most people now think of during Remembrance Day.)

11/11/11is also the 11th year since 9/11, which was associated with the number eleven in a great many ways, one of which was that 9/11 was 111 days before the New Year.

What Is The Meaning Of 888 In The Bible

As well as remembering those who have died to bring us peace, on 11/11/11 God would have us recall Him who died for us to bring eternal peace, Jesus the Messiah.And I believe Remembrance Day this year is special because God would have us remember His martyrs in His spiritual war {as well as those fallen in physical war}, which is what Rev. 11:11 is partly about. (For the numeric significance of Rev. 11:11 in regards to 11/11/11, click here.)

222Only a guess: 'In the mouth of two or three witnesses.' ?

333likely connected to the Trinity and resurrection.
444is a period of trial. Four times 111 = 444. (Interestingly, the last event mentioned in the bible occurred in 444 BC with the decree of Nehemiah to rebuild the walls.)

555People tend to connect the number 5 with grace; however, the evidence for that it very sketchy. Perhaps it is best to see the numeral 5 (and thus 555) as simply a transitional number. A sort of round number used to build into other numbers. Thus, 5 is a building-block number. Often numbers are rounded to 10 or 5 in the bible, or rounded by the providence of God as in biblical genealogies. Thus, five is simply half-ten as in the two tablets of the ten commandments of Moses, or like your two hands or feet. (Recall the 10 toes of Daniel's statue, thus five on each foot.)

666(See above)

777(See above)

888(See above)
999would be one short of 1000, and thus it implies imperfection or incompletion.
Also, 1335 (Dan. 12:12-13) less 3 days = 111 x 12 (1332), and refers to the 12 tribes of Israel moving toward the completion of their trial which ends with the great 'blessing'.

Also see, What are the Bible Prophecy Numbers?

33 bible meaning

See below chart for the 1335 along with time frames related to that number.

(Seeing 111,222,333,444,555,666,777,888,999)

Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife: And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS.

Matthew 1.23

Scripture teaches that the name of Jesus is the only 'name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.' We have the identity:

Jesus (Ιησουϛ) = 888

This Number integrates with all ideas related to the Number 8, such as octave, new beginning, and entrance into God's Covenant. Perhaps the most amazing occurrence of this number is found in the Divine Prologue (Cf. Jesus and YHVH):

John 1.2-5 = 23088 = 26 (YHVH) x 888 (JESUS)

It should be noted that this identity is utterly dependent upon the four iota subscripts found in the Greek text.

The Number 888 is also found found here in Psalm 98.2f

The LORD hath made known his salvation (913): his righteousness hath he openly shewed in the sight of the heathen. He hath remembered his mercy and his truth toward the house of Israel: all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.

And here in Psalm 19:

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.

We have the identities:

The Number 888

The Salvation of our God

Yeshoth Elohenu

The heavens declare the glory of God

HaShamaim misparim kavod El

Meaning Of 888 In The Bible

The Ordinal Value (Ord) of the phrase from Psalm 19 coincides with the value of the name of the Nineteenth Letter Quph, קוף = 186.

The Number 888 is a most symmetrical Number - it can be reflected, inverted, and have its digits permuted - all with no change in its appearance. This coheres with God's use of this Number when He declared He eternal unchanging nature, saying (Malachi 3.6) I am the Lord, I change not. The exact words written are:

Jesus relates to Aleph, the ultimate alphabetic symbol of Almighty God, through the identity:

Jesus = 888 = 8 x 111

The Number 8 is actually a heiroglyph of the physical shape of an octave. All power is in the name of Jesus. His name echoes through the eternal ages.

Here is a list of a few of the fundamental identities that relate to the wonderful name of Jesus:

The Number 888


I am the Lord, I change not [Mal 3.6]

Ani YHVH, Lo shaniti

The Salvation of our God [Ps 98.3]

Yeshoth Elohenu

The Mercy of the Most High (Sof) [Ps 21.8]

Hesed Elyon

Messiah (Full)

My Beloved (Full) [SS 7.13]


Our God forever and ever (Sof) [Ps 48.14]

Eloheno Olam V'Ed

The heavens declare the glory of God [Ps 19.2]

The third day [Jn 2.1]

He Hemera He Trite

They shall be comforted [Mat 5.3]


To Open/To Engrave [Ex 28.11]


Opened/Engraved [Ex 28.9]

