Nba Betting App

Posted : admin On 4/11/2022

Would you believe us if we told you there were literally hundreds of professional basketball leagues in the world? We hope that you would because it’s completely true and the list is endless. Every corner of the globe and every country with some asphalt has at least a couple professional or collegiate level basketball leagues. This means an impressive list of betting options for amateur and professional sports bettors.

  1. Best Nba Betting App
  2. App That Streams Nba

Betting on NBA games is big business, and the resulting demand for NBA betting tips is huge. Luckily for you, that demand is well covered by our expert NBA tipsters and their NBA predictions that cater for popular markets such as Match Winner, Point Spread and Tournament Outrights, plus supply NBA betting. NBA betting at sportsbooks vs. Betting apps If you want to bet on an NBA in states with legal sports betting, you have a couple of options: Head to a sportsbook near where you live or wager online. In the early days of the expanded US betting market, we know that about 80% of wagers for NBA and other sports come online, a percentage that is. If you use an Apple device, this means you need an iOS basketball betting app. Thanks to Apple being one of the largest companies in the world, most of the top NBA betting apps are built for iOS first and everyone else second. All of the apps recommended on this page are fully compatible with the iOS system. Action Network is the most trusted source for sports betting insights & analytics, improving your betting experience through data, tools, news & live odds across NFL, MLB and more.

Of all these different leagues, though, the National Basketball Association in North America is easily the biggest and most widely followed. Its athletes are the highest paid with the highest average annual salary per player of any sporting league in the world. It’s also the most heavily bet on by a long shot.

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While there is plenty of value and money to be made in the other smaller leagues, we want to talk with you today about betting on the NBA. As it’s the biggest, this creates a lot of advantages and things you need to be aware of before putting your hard earned money on the line. We’re going to walk you through the advantages of betting on the NBA (and how you can utilize them), what to look for when selecting a place to bet on the NBA, and some of the different types of NBA betting sites that you will encounter.

Ultimately, it’s our goal to help you find a solid, trusted home for your NBA betting needs. If you’re already betting the NBA somewhere, this guide may help you evaluate if that is the best site for you or may help you to find some additional sites to use for line shopping. Regardless, you should be fully equipped to start betting on the NBA after you get through this guide.

I’ve Got a Hot Tip! Get Me Betting NOW!

For some of you, this web page is a short pit stop on the way to cashing on a big tip. We totally get it and applaud you for at least being smart and making sure that you’re placing that bet somewhere reputable. To make things easy on those of you lucky enough to have a tip and also for those of you too impatient to get to the end of this guide, we’ve put our list of favorite and most trusted NBA betting sites at the top of the page here for you. These sites have been fully vetted by our staff and selected based on reliability, trustworthiness, ease of use, betting options, and a whole host of other things our staff deems important.

If you want to know how we selected these sites, you’ll have to read the rest of the guide as we break it down in detail :)

NBA vs. Other Basketball Leagues

As we’ve mentioned and you probably already know, the NBA is much larger than any other professional or collegiate basketball league in the world. This creates some significant differences when it comes to betting on the sport. We’ve gone ahead and outlined some of the major differences below that have an effect on sports betting.

Most of these are only an advantage or disadvantage based on how they fit your personal betting style. The best advice to utilize this information is to fully understand it and see how it fits with your personality and personal plan of attack. We will walk through all of that with each point for your convenience.

Access to Information

The key to being a successful sports bettor is having access to key information and statistics to help you make a more informed decision on your bets. The NBA being as large and high-profile as it is creates more information in some areas and less in others. For example, access to player statistics and game statistics is extremely easy to find. Finding this information for the Croatian Basketball League as you might expect is much more challenging.

While the key stats are easier to find for the NBA than most other leagues, there are areas of information that are much more closely guarded that may or may not help you to make more informed betting decisions. For example, practices are tightly guarded, and access to players is also tightly guarded. The only information you will get on either of these will be coming from team announcements or from the news media.

For smaller leagues, though, a lot of times you have more open access to the players, practices, and other things that are more guarded with the NBA. This can create new opportunities for you to get information if you have connections in Croatia or happen to live there yourself. Instead of hearing about how a player did at practice, you might have the ability to go watch them play and evaluate them yourself.

Again, whether this is a positive or a negative is solely up to your discretion. Some bettors like the easy access to mountains of data while others might find it overwhelming. Other bettors might enjoy a more personal look at players and a team when deciding who they want to bet on while others feel they only need the statistics. The point is that you will have access to more and less information with the NBA depending on what stats and information you deem important to make your picks.

Size of the Betting Pool

The number of people and the amount of money being bet on the NBA are both much, much larger than any other basketball league in the world. The only one that might be considered close would be NCAA Collegiate basketball around March Madness. This creates some interesting dynamics when it comes to how the lines move and how they are determined for the NBA vs. other leagues.

First, most sportsbooks are going to put their best oddsmakers on the bigger sports where more money is bet. As a mistake there would be more costly to them, they’re going to dedicate more resources to making sure their lines are correct. Since the NBA is a huge betting sport, you’re going to see less “mistakes” or “bad lines” from the sportsbooks. They’re going to be much more accurate and in line with where the lines should be.

Now, this does not mean that they still won’t make some mistakes or put out lines that are bad. You’re just more likely to see bad lines put out on the smaller basketball leagues as typically the sportsbook has way less to lose there from a bad line.

This is also going to affect the way that the lines move based on additional bettors. The size of the NBA betting pool is much larger than any of the other basketball leagues. The effect this is going to have on NBA betting is that the lines are going to move slower than they might with some of the smaller leagues. As you may already know, the sportsbooks are not big fans of gambling. They would prefer to have the same amount of money bet on each side of an event and take a small percentage off the top. This way, no matter who wins the game, they make money.

The way the sportsbook does this is by moving the betting odds to entice or dissuade you from betting on a particular side.

If Team A is playing against Team B and both teams are dead even, the odds should be the same for both teams. But, let’s say that the public really thinks Team A is going to win and tons of money comes pouring in on Team A. If the sportsbook did nothing, they would lose a ton of money if Team A won or make a ton of money if Team B won. They don’t like this.

So, what they would do would be to change the odds so that a bet on Team A pays less and a bet on Team B pays more. They would keep moving the line until it enticed more people to start betting on Team B and less on Team A. This dance continues up until game time so that they can have the same amount of money bet on each side of the contest. They take their small percentage or house fee off the top, and they are happy.

The larger the betting pool and the more money that is being bet, the smaller the effect that one bet is going to have on the line. For example, if there is $1 million bet on each side of a game and someone makes a bet for $1,000, the line is probably not going to move at all. That is 0.1% of the total money bet.

Let’s imagine that we’re looking at a smaller league where only $5,000 has been bet on the game, and someone comes in and makes a bet for $1,000. That bet is 20% of the total money bet and is going to cause the line to make a big change to entice betting on the other side of that bet.

The point here is that with the larger league (the NBA), it’s going to take much more money and many more bets on one particular side of the game to move the line. This means that line movements will probably be smaller and happen slower than with the smaller leagues.

Best Nba Betting App

Again, this is totally up to you if this is a positive or a negative. Some people like the slower moving lines and like to focus more on picking a winner and finding value bets. Other people like to watch moving lines and look for value opportunities to pounce on. Either way can be profitable and is solely up to how you like to bet.

What’s Important in an NBA Betting Site

Picking out anything in life is impossible if you don’t know what you want or what you’re looking for. This sentiment rings true for picking out an NBA betting site. If you’re brand new to sports betting or brand new to sports betting online, you aren’t going to know what makes a site great and what makes is mediocre or terrible. If you’re a seasoned online bettor who hasn’t ventured off of your home site in a while, you may be unaware what is out there.

To help all of you through this process, we’re going to walk you through what we feel are the most important aspects of an NBA betting site. These are the same criteria that we use when we’re selecting our sites to recommend and the sites that we use ourselves.

Trust and Integrity

Out of everything on this list, there is nothing more important that you need to consider. You should never put a dime onto any site until you 1000% trust that your money is safe. Sadly, in industries where a lot of money moves around, there are always some bad apples. This doesn’t always mean that the site is trying to steal your money, but they may be engaging in bad business practices, have predatory language in their terms and conditions, or be slow to pay out winnings. All of these things you definitely want to avoid at all costs.

The best way to avoid sites like this is to do adequate homework. You need to make sure that you know all you can about a site and who is behind the pretty homepage. The fact that you’re taking the time to read through this guide means that you are already starting the process off on the right foot. It’s important to point out that we would NEVER recommend a site that we haven’t fully vetted for industry reputation and trustworthiness.


Betting Options

This factor may or may not be important to you depending on how much NBA betting you are doing. If you are a casual bettor that likes to throw a few bucks on a game here or there, you aren’t going to need to be too concerned with the betting options. As long as they offer the bets on the games you’re interested in, you’re set.

On the other side of things, if you’re a more serious bettor or have tips and information that might not just be about who will win the game, you’re going to want some more options. Let’s say you have a feeling that a certain player is going to have an incredible game, but you think the team is still going to lose the game. A lot of sites offer options of bets that allow you to utilize these predictions.

If you’re only looking for basic who will win bets, this won’t matter to you. But for those of you that want the flexibility to profit on all of your predictions, you’re going to want to look for sites that offer lots of different prop bets on the games.

Betting and Transaction Limits (Professional Bettors Only)

Casual bettors can skip this section unless you have aspirations of being a big professional player one day. Most sites will have betting and transaction limits that recreational bettors will never get close to. If you’re a serious bettor, though, you may want to make sure that the site you are looking at is professional friendly.

You need to have full flexibility to bet the amounts that you need to and move the money around in large and small quantities. If you can’t get the proper amount of money onto the site to bet, you’ll never be able to make a living. One thing to point out here is that the posted limits aren’t always the maximums. If you’re a big player and find a site, you love, but the limits don’t mesh well with you, contact support. We can guarantee that a lot of places will set up special limits and processes for big time players. The worst that can happen is they say no.

Website and User Interface

Out of everything on this list, this might not be the most important, but it’s going to be the one that bothers you the most if you don’t take the time to research it properly. The user interface refers to how the site you’re betting on looks and how easy it is to navigate and accomplish what it is that you’re trying to do.

This is always the toughest for new bettors to figure out because they have zero experience with online betting and they don’t know when something is difficult to use or just brand new to them. If this is the boat you fall into, we highly recommend that you use our recommendations as our team is experts in digging through user interfaces.

The worst thing you can have happen is that you end up on a site that is hard to navigate, that causes you to make mistakes, and just upsets you because it’s impossible to work with. Placing your bets and monitoring them should be easy and painless. Things should be easy to find, and you shouldn’t have to search for hours to get the information that you need. You might think that this would be easy for sites to accomplish, but unfortunately, it is not the case. We’re not sure why some sites can’t get it right, but a large chunk of the industry is way behind the learning curve with this one.

Bonus Programs

This one is last on the list as it should be the last thing you consider in terms of priority. For some reason, too many bettors will select sites based on the bonus programs and disregard everything else. Here’s a newsflash. Some of the sites with the best bonus programs are some of the least trustworthy sites that are using the bonuses to draw people in.

That being said, there are still a ton of great sites with awesome bonus programs that you should look into. Free money is free money, and you should never pass it up given the opportunity to get your hands on some. Specifically, you’re going to want to look for sites that have NBA specific promotions. Slot promotions and a lot of deposit bonuses might not work for the sportsbook so make sure you read into the terms and conditions before getting excited about a promotion.

Different “Levels” of NBA Betting Sites

You can find NBA bets at pretty much any sportsbook online, though, you’re going to get varying degrees of options. Some sites you’ll be able to tell cater to sports bettors or NBA bettors specifically, while some seem just to have the bets up because they “have to.” While all of these sites can be great, it’s going to depend on what level you want to bet on whether or not a site is a good fit for you.

NBA Finals Only

If you’re only going to be betting on the NBA Finals, you can probably place your bets with any sportsbook online. We do recommend that you do some line shopping, though, as a lot of the different sites will have different odds based on what the money has come in on for them.

A sportsbook ONLY cares about the bets they have taken in regards to what the odds are. They couldn’t care less about what is happening at other sportsbooks. For this reason, it’s common to see different lines and odds at different sportsbooks. Thankfully, betting online allows you to shop for better lines in a matter of seconds easily. Take advantage of that.

Popular Game Bets

The majority of sites are going to offer bets on most NBA games, though, they will only offer the basic win/loss bets and maybe a few small props. These sites are going to be great for casual bettors that want to bet on more than just the Finals, but aren’t concerned with all of the small prop bets or the flexibility to bet on those.

These sites are going to be the best for most bettors with everything you might need. They will also most likely have the crazy prop bets and options available on the bigger playoff games and the NBA Finals.

All Inclusive

These sites are the Mecca of NBA betting sites. It’s common to see all of the crazy and obscure prop bets available on every single game. Typically, you will see this at a sportsbook that is dedicated to being a sportsbook. These companies have tons of oddsmakers on staff and are able to keep up with all of the different changing lines.

It’s also common for these sites to offer in-game live betting which is a whole other beast you may be interested in. These sites will work for recreational bettors but are clearly designed for professionals or aspiring professionals. Casual fans may feel a bit overwhelmed here, so we only recommend them if you’re comfortable with a lot of options.

Betting on basketball is popular all over the world. It should therefore be no surprise that bookmakers and sportsbooks try to make it as easy as possible to bet on the NBA, the biggest basketball competition of all.

You can place real money wagers on the NBA in a number of ways. The use of mobile sports betting apps has proved to be one of the easiest and most convenient options in recent years, which is why we’ve provided this page. We explain all about using apps for betting on NBA basketball, and also talk you through the best NBA betting apps currently available.

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How do we choose which NBA betting apps are the best? There’s no quick answer to this question as we use several processes for deciding which gambling sites and apps to recommend to our readers.

What we can tell you is that we are VERY selective. Our list of the best NBA betting apps is not just thrown together in a hurry. We carefully examine a number of factors and ensure that our rankings are genuinely accurate.

Some of the main factors we consider are safety and security, basketball betting options, promotions and real money bonuses, betting odds, and payment options. We explain more about all these below so that you can fully understand why our recommendations truly are the best options for mobile betting on the NBA.

  • BetNow – The very best NBA betting app available
  • MyBookie – An NBA betting app from a popular online sportsbook
  • Xbet – Betting on the NBA with this mobile app is super easy
  • Bovada – Bet on the NBA with this app from a leading online gambling brand
  • BetOnline – Excellent NBA betting app with tons of wagering options

Are NBA Betting Apps Safe to Use?


The top NBA betting apps are perfectly safe to use. The first and most important of selection process is to make absolutely sure that we only consider apps that we know can be trusted. There are three key factors we look at here.

  • Online gambling license
  • Security measures
  • Reputation

We begin by checking the online gambling license of the NBA betting app. It must be issued by a gambling commission that is closely monitoring the actions of the mobile bookmaker and is making sure there are no mistakes or wrongdoings. That’s the only way to protect the money and personal information of the customers.

If the NBA mobile app is not licensed by a reputable regulator, you shouldn’t share your data or deposit cash there. There’s no guarantee that your information will be safe, so make sure to stay away from such apps.

Security Measures

Once we know that the mobile sportsbook has a proper license, it’s time to move on to the security measures it uses to protect its customers. The key here is the implementation of the latest SSL encryptions on the market.

They are designed to secure all transactions of data and money. Even if a third party somehow manages to interrupt them, the SSL encryptions make it close to impossible to do anything meaningful with the data.

Most review sites stop here, but not us. We perform one last check to make sure that all of our top NBA betting apps online are worth your time. We dig deep on the internet and the different app stores to determine if there are any user complaints from the past.

You will find negative feedback for almost every NBA app on the web. However, the sheer number of unsatisfied customers and the severity of the accusations are good indicators if the issues are isolated incidents or general question marks over the integrity of the gambling operator.

If there are too many stains on the reputation of a certain NBA betting app, we prefer to stay away from it and stick to more reliable mobile bookmakers.

What Wagers are Available at NBA Betting Apps?

One of the main reasons we believe our recommended NBA apps are the best for the league is the extensive coverage they offer. You will find so many betting opportunities that a true expert in basketball and the NBA should be able to regularly discover profitable wagers.

The different betting markets can be split into three different categories.

  • NBA betting markets for individual games
  • NBA futures and props markets
  • NBA live betting markets

Let’s start with the individual games and the betting markets that our best-rated apps for the NBA offer for them. The exact number of options varies depending on the mobile bookmaker, but the following are always available.

If you simply want to pick the winner of an NBA game, our leading mobile apps will oblige. Back the team you like, and if it ends up victorious, your wager will return profits.
In many NBA games, there’s a clear favorite, and the moneyline market is not the best option. The odds for the stronger team are really low, while the probability of the underdog grabbing a victory is almost non-existent. That’s where spreads come into play. The weaker franchise starts the game with a predetermined handicap, and you can decide if the favorite can cover it or not.
Total points
There’s the option to place a wager that doesn’t depend on the winner of the match. The totals or total points market is related to the number of points scored by both teams. The NBA betting apps provide a certain line — for example, 215.5 points — and you have to pick between the under (fewer points scored than that) or over (more points scored than that) options.

These three main markets are available at any of the top mobile apps for NBA betting. If you want to learn more about them, check out the following pages.

The next group of NBA betting markets is harder to define and includes different options. For a start, there are plenty of futures that you will find at the best NBA mobile apps. As the name suggests, they are long-term markets related to huge events.

For example, you can place money on the potential NBA winner, as well as the Conference and Division titles. You can also back a certain player to become the regular-season MVP, the Rookie of the Year, the Most Improved Player, and so on.

The other markets we decided to include here due to the similarity in their nature are the NBA props. They cover various events related to the competition, such as the individual stats that a player could achieve or the number of wins your favorite franchise will register in the regular season.

Some of the top NBA betting apps even have wacky props like the jersey color of the champions and things like that. The opportunities here are countless. Some of them might seem silly at first glance, but you shouldn’t underestimate the different NBA props. Even the weirdest among them might be profitable if you find the hidden logic behind them.

NBA Live Betting Markets

We love live betting, and we believe the NBA is a great league for in-play wagers because of the constant changes in the leads and dynamic nature of the sport. You can watch the action and make money at the same time with the live betting options of our leading NBA mobile apps.

They cover every game, and the non-stop movement of the odds opens the door to profit for anyone who knows the NBA inside out. Once you recognize a certain trend, you can capitalize by placing the appropriate live bet at the right time.

The available markets usually include moneylines, spreads, and totals, at the very least. Many of our best-rated NBA betting apps have more options such as races to a certain number of points, winner of the quarter/half, and more.

One of the main advantages of our top NBA mobile betting apps is the large number of promotions. Both new and existing customers can enjoy plenty of special offers that could boost their returns. Here are some of the most popular among them.

NBA Welcome Bonuses

Nba Betting App

The most valuable promotion of most of our recommended NBA betting apps is usually the welcome bonus. Once you decide to join and make your first deposit, the mobile bookmaker will immediately provide you with extra value.

It could come in the form of bonus money that must be wagered several times prior to withdrawal or free bets with very few terms and conditions.

Either way, you should always try to make the best of the welcome bonus of each NBA app, as it’s an excellent opportunity to earn extra value. Just make sure you carefully read the terms and conditions so that you know how much to deposit and how to clear the bonus after that.

The welcome bonus is nice, but you can obtain it only once. Fortunately, our top apps for NBA betting will offer you other ways to earn more and more bonus cash. Here are the most popular among them.

Reload bonuses
Almost every deposit can bring you extra cash. The conditions are usually worse than the welcome bonus, but many reload bonuses are still worth taking.
Loyalty programs
Some of our best-rated NBA betting apps have loyalty programs that bring the most consistent customers free bets.
Enhanced odds
You will often find enhanced odds for popular NBA betting markets.
Special mobile bonuses
Many of the NBA betting apps belong to bookmakers that have a desktop version too. They often want to provide extra incentives such as special mobile bonuses so that their customers bet on the go too.

Exclusive Promotions

Our recommended NBA betting apps always try to stay ahead of the curve, so you will often encounter other exclusive promotions. They could be related to major events such as the NBA Finals or the All-Star game.

Make sure to keep your eyes open so that you don’t miss the many opportunities offered by the best NBA mobile betting apps. You will find them on the mobile bookmaker’s promo page and sometimes in your email.

What Payment Options Are Supported by NBA Betting Apps?

Every mobile sportsbook should offer its customers enough payment providers that they can comfortably deposit and withdraw money. Our top-rated apps for the NBA are among the best in the gambling industry in this regard. Here are the most common providers that are available in our top apps.

Nba betting app
  • Credit and debit cards: Visa, Maestro, MasterCard
  • E-wallets: Skrill, PayPal, Neteller
  • Crypto: Bitcoin, Ethereum
  • Other: Wire transfers, money transfer services, prepaid cards, pay-by-phone services

The exact list of supported options depends on the betting app you use and your country of residence. In certain cases, there might be some local payment options at your disposal too.

The variety of banking methods is not the only payment-related benefit of joining one of our best NBA betting apps. They also enable fast payouts, especially compared to the industry average. You can receive your money within 48 hours via e-wallets or crypto and several working days for the other options.

What Devices Are Compatible With NBA Betting Apps?

Thanks to the rise of HTML5, most NBA betting apps work on almost every modern device you could think of. Each of our recommended bookmakers has a mobile-responsive website that is compatible with iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Phone, and other popular phones and tablets.

On top of that, many of the top mobile apps on this page also have a native version for the likes of iOS and Android. You can download and install it from the respected app store or visit the bookmaker’s website for more instructions.

Usually, you can request a download link via SMS or even scan a QR code for a quick installation. There are many different options, and they are all user-friendly. The whole process won’t take more than several minutes.

More Frequently Asked Questions about NBA Betting Apps

If you still have questions about our best NBA betting apps, you will most likely find the answers below.

Yes, if you make sure to join respectable betting apps with a proper online gambling license. All of our recommended ones are safe, but there are other choices out there. Make sure to take a look at the regulator that is monitoring them before trusting them with your money.

Also, it would be a good idea to follow some basic safety rules. Don’t use unknown networks too often, don’t open fishy emails, and make sure to use secure passwords.

Do I have to install additional software to bet on the NBA on mobile?

You don’t have to, as some of the best NBA betting apps only require a browser. Open the mobile-responsive page, log in, and you’re good to go.

However, some bookmakers offer native apps for iOS, Android, or Windows Phone as well. If you want to use them, you will have to download and install additional software.

What is the difference between online betting sites and mobile betting apps?

If you use the mobile-responsive version of the NBA betting sites, the answer is none. The apps will provide access to the same markets, promotions, features, and sections.

In fact, there might be some exclusive bonuses available only on the go.

It depends on your country. The NBA betting apps operate under the same rules as all online bookmakers. If it is legal to bet on the internet where you live, you can use mobile apps for the same purpose.

If you don’t really know the rules of your country, you should probably take a look at our gambling jurisdictions page. It features many different regions.